Jesus died and was resurrected three days later
Jesus died and was resurrected three days later

jesus died and was resurrected three days later

OR Download The Exact Length Of Time That Jesus Not only will you experience his rich blessing now but you will gain the hope of life eternal in the earthly Paradise, where “death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore.Your browser does not support this audio format. If you do, you will gain Jehovah’s approval. Revelation 21:4 says: “Death will be no more.” To underscore the reliability of that promise, verse 5 states: “These words are faithful and true.” What Jehovah promises, he is fully able to do.ĭo you believe that “these words are faithful and true”? Then, learn more about Jesus Christ, and exercise faith in him. People will then be able to live happy, productive lives forever. The final pages tell of the time when death will be brought to nothing and God will restore Paradise to the earth.

jesus died and was resurrected three days later

The first pages of the Bible tell of the time when death came to be and Paradise was lost. “God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son, so that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life.”​- John 3:16. However, his love and mercy moved him to meet his own requirements at an enormous cost to himself​-the giving of his own Son to provide the redemption price.​- Romans 5:6-8. His high standard of justice made it impossible for imperfect humans to redeem themselves. This provision reveals much about Jehovah. suffered death, so that by God’s undeserved kindness he might taste death for everyone.”​- Hebrews 2:9. He suffered death for us so that we could live forever. Jesus thus bought back what Adam had forfeited. Jehovah accepted that sacrifice, making it possible for those who exercise faith in Jesus to receive everlasting life.​- Romans 3:23, 24 1 John 2:2. There, Jesus presented to God the value of his perfect human life to redeem what Adam had lost for himself and his offspring. Three days later, Jehovah brought him back to life as a spirit so that he could in time return to heaven. Instead, however, Jehovah allowed Jesus to be killed by his enemies. But, unlike Adam, Jesus “committed no sin.” ( 1 Peter 2:22) Because he was perfect, he did not come under the penalty of death and he could have lived forever as a perfect human. How? He sent his beloved Son from heaven to be born as a perfect human like Adam. Jehovah God arranged a means for overcoming the effects of sin and freeing us from the penalty of eternal death. By not eating the fruit of that tree, Adam would have shown not just his obedience but also his appreciation for the One who created him and who had blessed him so richly. Jehovah called it “the tree of the knowledge of good and bad” because it represented his right to determine what was good or bad for humans. After all, Jehovah wanted Adam and his wife, Eve, to “be fruitful and become many” and to “fill the earth and subdue it.” ( Genesis 1:28) The prohibition applied to a real tree. Some believe that the tree symbolized sexual relations, but that could not be. Instead, Adam realized that if he obeyed God and did not eat from that tree, he would live on endlessly​-he would not die. If Adam were created to die eventually, God’s warning would have had little meaning. However, Jehovah God clearly told Adam not to eat from one specific tree, warning Adam that if he did, he would die.ĭid Adam understand that prohibition? He knew what death was he had seen animals die. There were fruit-bearing trees from which Adam could freely eat. God placed the first man, Adam, in the garden of Eden, an earthly paradise filled with abundant wildlife and beautiful vegetation.

Jesus died and was resurrected three days later